Here, You can see overall notification performance & its data.

It shows active, de-active & deletes notifications data.
You can search with a specific time duration by clicking on today, the last seven days & custom date.
- We are showing below data point stats. Also, You can see day-wise data too by hovering on the graph.
Engaged: The number of unique visitors shown at one notificationVisitor: Number of unique visitors who visited the impression of your website: How many times a notification impression happens on your site. Hovers: How many visitors hover your notification clicks: How many clicked happens on your notifications.
Below the data point will show how notification giving you benefits.
Call to action (CTA): How many clicks happen on your "Call To Action" button or link on your notification.
Viewed & Submit: How many visitors submit the form after viewing notification.
Hovered & Submit: How many visitors submit the form after clicking on the notification.
Viewed & Click: How many visitors submit the form after clicking on the notification.
Universal Graph
You can see complete detailed graphs of different data points & compare them.