There is two option in White label plan to control branding permission for Sub-User.
i. Remove Branding
ii. Change Brand URL
i. Remove Branding

- This gives the main admin of the account to control the branding of the sub-users created.
- Pressing the check-box Remove Brandname will allow the sub-account to use his/her own brand name in notification.
- If the agency user doesn't select the check-box then your sub-users notifications will have agency branding and even sub-users customer will see the agency brand.
ii. Change Brand URL

- This also has a similar use.
- By selecting the Change Brand URL check-box you can give sub-user permission to use the website URL in notifications for visitors to be redirected to a specific page.
- If the check-box unselected then the URL of the main admin's website will only be seen.
For more queries, reach us at [email protected] or chat with the support team if you have any questions.